7 Ways to Maximize SEO in Blogger

Posted by BLOG MONETIZE on Tuesday

SEO 88
SEO is very important in building a blog and become a foundation when the blog being monetize. With good SEO, article and blog will be easily indexed in Google search engine can even exist at the top of the search engine Google. If you are a blogger who uses blogger.com platform, I have some tips to maximize SEO on blogger.com platform.
There are 7 ways you can do to maximize SEO on blogger. The seven ways include: Meta Description, Meta Robots Tag, Meta description tag posts, RSS feeds, permanent link, picture posting and Blogger Templates. For more details, I will discuss one by one.
Description Meta Tag
One feature in blogger is Meta tags featured. This feature allows us to enter the meta description of a blog without having to manually put it into the template.
To activate this feature is easy, go to "Dashboard> Settings> Preferences search". After that focus on the meta tags and click "Edit". After that comes the question "Enable search description?" Select Yes. And then input a description of your blog.
meta tag
Once done, click "Save changes"
Robots Meta Tag
Meta robots tag basically functions to tell the robot crawlers which pages should be indexed and which pages should not be. In addition, there are several other commands.
Well meta robots feature in this blogger can be utilized to overcome duplicate content, especially duplicate content occurs because the archive and search pages. Go to "Dashboard>Settings>Preferences search>Enable specific robots header tags". Do as picture shown below:
meta tag robot
Description Meta Tag Posts
Before the existence of these features, a lot of bloggers are using an automatic meta tag code description for the post and even now they still use it.
Well because the blogger has feature to enter meta description post manually, it will be easy for you to have varieties meta description in every post in the blog
To use this feature you first need to enable the description meta tag that has been discussed above. Once you have activated it will shown up every time you write a post, on the right side there will be a menu to enter the description of posts:
RSS Feed
As well as common blogging services, bloggers also provides features to facilitate the RSS feed of our blog readers to subscribe to the articles we publish. This feature is actually very nice, especially to attract readers. But on the other side of the RSS feeds can also be bad for SEO blog. How come?
As we know, today a lot of bloggers who wants instant slacker often steal content other people's blogs. Well, this RSS Feed lately frequently used by thieves’ content as a way to take existing content on our blog.
If we become victims of theft blog content via RSS Feed then it could be bad for your blog as it will result in the name of duplicate content. Well, to prevent this problem, we can optimize the settings of existing RSS Feed blogger.
It is very easy, you simply go to "Dashboard>Settings>Other". After that, focus on the Site Feed
In the "Allow Blog Feeds" buddy select "Short"
If you chose this option actually wouldn’t be good enough for our blog readers who subscribe using RSS, because every time we update the blog, readers must open our blog to read the whole article we publish. But on the other hand, this way prevent the occurrence of duplicates content.
Permanent link
Custom permalink feature is useful for those of you who might want to shoot long tail keywords. By default permalink blogger is limited to 6 words, more or less like this:
If more than 6 words, the permalink will automatically cut off and only displays the first 6 word of the title. Well, if you want more than 6 words you can use this feature.
When you write new posts, click Permalink menu on the right and select Permalink Special, then input the permalink as you want.
Picture Posts
If you made a post which is accompanied by a picture, I strongly recommended using this feature, a feature to add the attribute "alt" and "title" automatically in the picture in the post.
It's easy, when inserting an image into the post then simply click on the image> click Properties> enter the keyword to the image:
Blogger Templates
The last to maximize SEO in Blogger is a template. A great selection of templates can also help maximize the SEO on your blog. Lots of free blogger templates provider of good ones out there, but very little that could be considered SEO Friendly.

Blog, Updated at: 9:00 AM


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