Have a
quality blog and liked by many people is a dream for most bloggers. If a lot of
people visited the blog, it will give satisfaction to us and of course for a
business opportunity to multiply the income.
Many efforts
that can be done to make our blog more qualified, as a professional layout
design, use nice template, install sophisticated widgets, and so forth.
But is it
all enough to make our blog to be qualified?
Hmm .. not
really ... sometimes we've push all we've got but our blog still looks normal
even ugly..ups..sorry. But I should say it so we can build a better blog.
As a
matter of our consideration, there are several reasons why blogs that we build
with hard work still looks bad. And here’s some reason so If your blog fall
into that category you can make improvements.
Your Blog is Unclear
What is
that mean? The first thing that makes your blogs ugly is because you choose too
many topics to discuss.
there is nothing wrong and nothing is forbidden to discuss many topics. But
definitely your blog is going to be ugly. Why would like that?
Because of
your blog will not have the characteristic and also will be difficult to get
loyal readers. Visitors will come and go without remembering back to read your
You have Ordinary Content
We knows there
are millions of bloggers in the world. And most of them regularly publish
content every day.
If your blog
contents are ordinary or you write like common people write, then your blog
will be difficult to compete with others and do not ever expect to be the
coolest blog.
different when you write something. Just think out of your mind, don’t think
like ordinary people think. I can say it be more creative a little bit.
Your Blog is News Blog
News Blog is
the same as a blog with a lot of topics, which is discussing various themes.
Many bloggers would rather choose to create a blog like this for several
reasons: The idea of creating the
content is unlimited, gain unlimited visitors, the ads are varieties, etc.
Is this cool? The answer is No
News Blog
will be commercially viable if done by team who each person have expertise and
responsibility on a particular theme. If the only news blog run by one person,
so it is hardly possible to develop.
Copying Content from other Blog
I really hate this..!!!
Copying content from other source without permission is a crime. If you really
love to blog, then do it yourself.
I admit
that sometimes you running out of idea when you want to write. But it doesn’t
mean you can use other people’s work. Be more creative, you may use same idea
with them but write a little bit different. Write it with your own language
style and explain it based on your point of view.
Your Blog Load Heavily
What was
the first time a visitor sees when they visiting your blog? Yes, the look. I'm
sure you all already know. That's why a lot of bloggers are trying to design
the blog as good as possible. They start to place some cool widget everywhere
in the blog.
Is it Good?
Yeah…that’s good that know your blog looks more glamour. But have you realize
that using too much un-useful widget will affect to your loading speed?
of your blog will get impatient and bored waiting for your page load. And
finally they left your blog and never come back again..That’s hurt, huh?
My advice
installs only useful widget that makes visitors easy to understand your blog.
The important is clear, simple, readable and useful.
Too much Ads
Did you
monetize your blog? How many ads banner did you place in your blog? Only 1, 3
or maybe 10? I’m sure you have your own policy when placing ads especially ads
banner to your blog.
Based my
own experienced when I visited a blog, there are so many ads banner in that
blog. Since the number of existing ads, I can’t read the post. I’m felt annoyed
and I can’t focus with I’m read.
If you
have this kind of blog, you should consider decreasing the number of ads and
pay attention with the placement too. Don’t let your visitors annoyed with your
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