What Makes Blog Visitors Feel Comfortable?

Posted by BLOG MONETIZE on Friday

blog visitor
Have you ever seen blogs with tons of readers and they interact with the blog owner? Hundred or thousand pageview per day? And how do you feel if that is your blog? I’m sure you will be proud and happy. Yup, your hard works has good result.
So, what makes blog visitors feel comfortable when they visiting a blog? They would spent their time to visiting our blog to read information we write or just leave positive comment regarding to our article
Actually that is not a difficult job as long as you are able to positioning yourself. It means you may find the answer if you are a blog visitor. Place yourself as a reader of blog. What makes you comfortable? And that’s the answer of all the questions above.
The problem is, positioning as a visitor is not easy, because each person has a different view depending on seeing a blog. But in general there are some similarities in every visitor, although from a different background. The following things I write when I positioned myself as the visitors a blog.
1.    Blog Design
First thing we notice when visiting a blog is a physical form of blog or blog design. Make it as attractive as possible so that visitors are impressed when they first came. Do not be too far in interpreting the word "interesting". Adjust to your blog niche. If your blog contains information or news, make a simple but look elegant, not too many colors are striking. If your blog is selling the product, you may able to add multiple images to support your products.
The things to remember don’t add too much widgets in the sidebar especially flash widgets, as this will burden your blog when it is loading. And it is not good. Visitors will feel bored when your page takes a long time to load. If your visitors are patient, they will wait. But if they impatient, they will close your blog and find the information from others blog and never come back to your blog. That’s not good, right?
2.    Make the Link as Link
This is a little thing that not has been considered many people, why? Yup, this is because we do not positioning ourselves as a visitor.
Simple example we often see links inserted in text with a color that is not flashy (no contrast) and it seems part of your post. Actually, the ideal link is contrast with the background color or conspicuous than plain text.
It means we do not have to hide the link that we attach to look like content writing. Use the striking colors or with variations bold or italic. If the link is useful for visitors, they will visit these links. You need to consider is the choice of words you use as a link. Make your link as attractive as possible so that visitors feel curious about the link that you created.
 3.    Use the Language Variation in Your Articles
Its function is simple actually, that is to make visitors do not get bored with the standard language you use. Every person must have their own style, but in general, people will be interested in a style that is light, not too complicated. Use sentences that are active as if writing it invites the viewer to feel what you want to tell so they are emotionally involved in what you write.
For example you make a sentence "Have you ever imagine, when you have blog with high page rank, suddenly it dropped in single day?" With these words visitors will come to imagine as you write, and wonder what happened. What if that incident happened to me?
Those words eventually will bring visitors curious and read the entire article.
4.    Do not Make Visitors Confused by Category
The main function of category is easier for visitors when they want to find information, but to apply much less precise. Many bloggers are too "arrogant" in categorizing an article. Have you ever seen one article is included in 3 or more categories? This does not help them, but it is confusing visitors.
5.    Avoid Making Multi Link
What I mean here is the link that overlaps. Try one link leads directly to the destination. Simple example, let's say I want to sell e-book about internet marketing in this blog, but to achieve the order button, need a lot of links that should we click. This is not only annoying but also will make visitors unwilling to continue purchasing.
6.    Dress Up Your Search Box
Search box is a vital tool in helping visitors find what they are looking for. But sometimes the Search Box is just simply become trimmer of blog.
The question is how to create a search box that can stimulate the visitor to do searching? In addition to decorate with CSS code, you can also add value = "typing something" that will stimulate people to use it.
When I was positioning myself as a visitor, those things above are make me comfortable and at ease when visiting a blog. When visitors feel welcome, they will not hesitate to re-visit your blog they will be even your loyal readers via the subscriber or site visits to the blog.

Blog, Updated at: 10:58 AM


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